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Nearly Normal Nimbin, Northern New South Wales, Australia

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Well our family grew by 6 today, Kylie,Ruby,fynn,Darcy, Jaidyn & Ma kylie all here for a week untill the new house is finished.
Hmmmm i wonder how i will go ??

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Ah Crap

Its just one of those days. I made the mistake of buying a cheap paint roller cos i only wanted a little one & thats all they had, a cheap shit one.
So i go home unpack my cheapshit roller give it a good wipe to remove any loose fibres, then start appling polyurathane laquer to my table Within thirty seconds i discovered that even paint rollers can get mange.It was at the same moment of discovery  when the fucking handle snapped off . So now there is more fibres on top of the table than on the roller.I should point out that this is the second time i have done the top of said table, because last time at the moment of application we had a massive rain storm for a couple of seconds. Just enoug.h to knock loose some dust from the roof.
So much for a quick little job on the old table out on the verandah.
I still have the benches to do.................arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Oh and my profile picture has been stolen lol